Tank Tactics Launched

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We are beyond thrilled to share some incredible news with you all. As you know, our team is back in action with the resumed development and distribution of Battle Nations. But we didn’t waste any time during our legal pause. While the wheels have been turning behind the scenes on our flagship project, we’ve also been busy giving life to an entirely new experience. 

Tank Tactics is not just another mobile game; it’s our first title that has moved from mere concept sketches to an actual product available on mobile storefronts. Crafted by our brilliant artists and hardworking developers, Tank Tactics originally served as a proof of concept demo but has grown into a compelling casual single-player experience that we are hopeful you all will enjoy. 

Why Tank Tactics Matters

You might be wondering, why spend nearly 10 months developing Tank Tactics when we’re so committed to Battle Nations? The answer is twofold:

  1. Skill Development: Tank Tactics has been a pivotal project for us to perfect our Unity and game design skills, and it has helped us to build a strong tech stack and infrastructure—essential foundations for creating a robust Battle Nations experience.
  2. Team Growth: Believe it or not, this project has made us grow closer as a team, a factor that’s immeasurably important for success. Originally planned as a two-month tech demo, Tank Tactics evolved into something much larger and compelling, and it’s all because we learned to work better, together.

Your Support Counts

Tank Tactics is not just a game; it’s a stepping stone toward making the Battle Nations release pipeline more efficient than ever. By playing Tank Tactics, you’re not only treating yourself to a fun gaming experience, but you’re also directly supporting our team, and by extension, the development of Battle Nations.

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy playing Tank Tactics as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Happy gaming!
